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License Agreement

All product(s) purchased on the yKhoonExtension website are done so in accordance with the following published Terms and Conditions. It is important that you read the following carefully. By purchasing a product or use of our product(s) or service(s), you are automatically bound by these terms. yKhoonExtension also reserves the right to change or modify these terms without prior notice.

By purchasing ANY product from yKhoonExtension or use of our product(s) or service(s) implies that you have read, agree, and accepted these Terms and Conditions.

Terms and Conditions

Each purchase entitles you to receive free support and updates for one live site (one domain) for one year start from the date of purchase.

You are authorized to make any modifications to our product(s) to fit your purpose, however, any alteration or modification on the file(s) must be done so under the terms of GNU General Public License version 3.

You may not claim intellectual or exclusive ownership to any of our product(s), modified or unmodified. You may not decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer, lease, loan, sell, resell or distribute the file(s), modified or unmodified. All products are property of yKhoonExtension.

Once the purchase transaction is successful, PayPal will send a notification to our server and it will send the product download link to the e-mail address provided by you. You are responsible to provide a valid/reachable e-mail address to us and also whitelist our domain name so that our e-mail can reach you.

Since yKhoonExtension is offering non-tangible irrevocable goods we do not and will not issue refunds after the product(s) are delivered to you or the e-mail address you provided are invalid and/or unreachable, which you are responsible for understanding upon purchasing.

yKhoonExtension offer support via email only as we feel that it is the quickest way to reach to us. Please refer to the Support Policy for more detail information.

yKhoonExtension do collect information about our customer such as e-mail address and name. However, we do not sell, rent or lease the information to third parties. Please refer to the Privacy Policy for more detail information.

yKhoonExtension products will specify which version of Joomla! they are compatible with and are tested with only core Joomla functionality and core Joomla! modules, components and other said features. As such we cannot guarantee that the products will run with past or future versions of these CMS's nor can we guarantee that any of our products will work with any third party extension developed for the Joomla! CMS.

yKhoonExtension reserves the right to change, without notice, the specifications, drawings and information contained in this agreement.

yKhoonExtension will take every effort to fix bugs, errors and further functionality. BUT yKhoonExtension does not assume responsibility for any errors, statutory or implied, including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.

yKhoonExtension nor the author(s) shall in any event be liable for any direct, consequential, incidental, indirect or special damages even if advised of the possibility of such damages. In particular, yKhoonExtension shall have no liability for any damage, loss or corruption of data or programs stored in or used in conjunction with yKhoonExtension' Products, nor shall the author(s) be liable for the cost of retrieving or replacing damaged, lost or corrupted data.

All yKhoonExtension products mentioned here are trademarks of